Thursday, January 19, 2017

Teaching and Prayer Requests

Before leaving people would ask what I was teaching and I had some ideas about where they would use me, but this is also Africa and sometimes you can’t really plan things out J For this school year, I’ll be co-teaching grades 4-6. I will be teaching them Geography, Handwriting/Penmanship, Critical Thinking Skills, Art, as well as working through some short reading passages to introduce new vocabulary. I’ll also work with some of the grade 6 students on writing. My week will look a little odd because some days I will stay after school to help students who want or need additional help with homework or more practice with English and reading.
Due to an unforeseen circumstance, I will have a classroom that I can use when we split the grades up! It wouldn’t have been a big deal if it hadn’t been available, but I am thankful for the little things like some space for the grade 6 students to work on writing with less distraction!
Because I am co-teaching with the administrator, I will have Thursday off. This will give me prep time for Friday’s art project as well as the opportunity to go into town Wednesday evening for an English Bible study through Kitwe Church and get some internet time to post these updates!!
I am excited about the opportunities God has given so far and am pumped for Term 1 to begin. Please pray for the students. Most of the students are children living at Faith Children’s Village, others are children from church families, and several are children coming in from the village.
Please pray:
  1. That the FCV children would grow in their relationship with God through Christian education if they are believers, and if they are not, that God would show them their need of His redeeming work in their lives. It is interesting to me the similarities of children in the states who have grown up knowing about God and children here who have grown up knowing about God. Both can act the Christian life without ever internalizing it. So pray that souls would be saved.
  2. That the village children being brought in who are hearing the Gospel some maybe for the first time would recognize their need of a Savior!
  3. The teachers, especially Gloria and her family as she is still grieving the loss of her sister and taking over the responsibilities of one of her nephews.
  4. Rachel, the administrative assistant at CABC (Central Africa Baptist College), who returned to Zambia after being able to go home to the States for Christmas. She’s gotten sick with some throat related sickness, possibly strep. She’s on antibiotics and pain meds but teacher in-service at the college has begun and she feels like she needs to be at work. Pray that she would get over this sickness soon!
  5. That I would get on a normal sleeping schedule. Right now, (Thursday Jan 12) I’ve only slept through the night twice. I’m hoping the routine of school will help.
  6. With several children moving on from FCV, two new children have applied and are being brought in. Their names are Stephanie and Emmanuel Kafunga. Both are in need of full support (all children here at the village are supported through churches or families in the States).

Thank you all so much for your prayers and support!!
God is good all the time!


  1. Thanks for the additional prayer requests! Proud of you for giving your life to Christ and serving Him in Africa! - Pastor Mike

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