Thursday, November 17, 2016

Why Zambia?

I've been asked this question numerous times :) The short answer is that is where God has opened the door for me! However, the story of how He opened and continued to open the doors to Zambia is amazing! Here goes:

Ever since I finished my freshman year at Bob Jones University and went with a University team to Ghana, Tanzania, and South Africa, God has burdened my heart to go back through my teaching degree. It actually made some of my classes easier, because I understood the importance of being able to teach using many different methods for students to better understand. Obviously, each child learns in their own way, but another aspect I would have to consider would be cross-cultural teaching.

As I went through college, I knew God was calling me back to Africa; I just didn't know where. I prayed about it through those 4 years and waited, many times impatiently, to see where God would direct. During 1st semester of my senior year, my student-teaching semester, there was a BJU Press dinner for all of the student teachers. The lady in charge of all of us happened to sit at the same table I did and was trying to convince one of my friends to go teach English at a Bible College in Zambia. My friend thanked her for the recommendation but explained her future plans and left off the conversation with, "Well, you know, if you really want someone to go to Africa, you need to talk to Abbie!"

That was that. Well, sort of. I talked with Mrs. Horn after the dinner and exchanged contact info so that she could put me in touch with the President of the college. As I started the conversation with Mr. Hunt about the possibility of teaching English and possibly teaching some basic level education classes, there was one thing I was unsure of. I have a burden for children, and I wasn't sure that teaching adults was what I was cut out to do, especially being a recent college grad myself.

I remember talking to a good friend about it. She challenged me to think of the fact that I could have the possibility of helping them to then go and teach back in their home countries. Wow! What an impact. She also reminded me that I was putting God in a box and that He could do bigger things than I could ever imagine. Leaving her room that night I had peace. Peace that God would work out His will for my future no matter what it looked like.

Literally, two days later I received an email from the Dean of Students at CABC (Central Africa Baptist College) explaining that they had filled the position with a teacher who had been undecided in whether or not they would return. Initially I was saddened because it looked like the door had been closed, but as I continued to read the email he explained that they also had an orphanage out in the village that had started a school and that they could use a teacher there. My heart skipped a beat!

God knew what He was doing all along; He simply wanted me to patiently wait and trust Him. I had a phone interview with the administrator of Amano Academy later that day. I guess you could say the rest is history. I had the opportunity of going over to Kitwe, Zambia for a two-week survey trip to see the orphanage and the school and will be returning Lord willing in January for the start of their school year.

I'm so thankful for the opportunities God brings our way! What an awesome God we serve!

Now to answer the second question... why go?
As a recent college grad many question my going overseas.
They worry about safety and future financial security. They ask why I don't just get a teaching job here in the states and maybe think about going overseas later.

Honestly, there is nothing wrong with any of those things, and I am thankful that Zambia is not one of the volatile Islamic run countries, but even if it was, the most important question is, Where is my God leading me. So my response is simple. Zambia is where God has led. When I think of all that He has done for me, how can I do anything less than follow where He leads. My thoughts and opinions on this are summed up in the text of a song entitled Am I Greater Than My Master, written by Nancy Hamilton:

Jesus walked this path before me
Void of friend with comforts few.
If I follow in His footsteps
I must know these heartaches too
He was mocked and scorned, rejected,
Left to die upon a tree.
Am I greater than my Master,
He who gave His life for me?

Shall I stay and dwell with Jesus
Though all others turn aside.
He has giv'n to me His promise
In His shadow I'll abide
Help me stay upon the altar,
A living sacrifice I'll be.
Am I greater than my Master,
He who died on Calvary?

Though the way be straight and narrow
Though I'm weary, bruised, and torn,
I must press forever onward
'Til that glorious joyful morn.
I shall see my risen Savior
Touch the wounds He bore for me.
Am I greater than my Master,
He whose blood bought victory?


  1. God has led me to Washington state, and I've been getting the same questions. Thank you for putting the answer into words. <3 God bless you, Abbie! Praying for you!
    ~Abi Davis

    1. Wow!! Washington State!! That's awesome! Hope all goes well! Keep me posted on how things go and any prayer requests! :)

  2. I LOVE this!!! You go girl! People will questions and have doubts but there is nothing sweeter than Knowing with full confidence that the Lord has led my steps this direction for certain reasons. Love you and so excited for you!!
