Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Better late than never... right!?

So sorry for the delays in posting! I’d like to blame it on spotty internet connections or lack of time but reality is procrastination is following me… even after college! Yikes! The short story is life here is busy, hectic, and always changing! šŸ˜Š kind of like life wherever you are! Life happens, and one of the things God has been teaching me is that there is so much to be gained by being present where you are. I think it was Jim Elliot who said wherever you are be all there, I could be quoting the wrong person. While there is no Bible verse I can think of that says this exact thing, but I find that if my mind and thoughts are constantly on the next thing I miss so many opportunities to serve or minister or I just miss the people around me and miss opportunities for building relationships.

I am so thankful for the ministry I get to be a small part of and the blessings that come from it! After flying to Zambia, I spent a couple of days in town getting phone and finances sorted before heading out to FCV. After getting there I was able to help out for a Friday before the weekend and then a full week the next week. We then had our midterm break so I really have had it easy coming back and having lots of time to transition!

We’ve also had a steady stream of visitors which keeps us on our toes and is a big encouragement! When I got here, Haley was here. She’s from NC and we soon found that we had a ton of mutual friends. It was a blessing to have her even though our time only overlapped for about a week! Right now, there are several visitors both to FCV and CABC since the college is just finishing up their July block class and guest speakers and other visitors from the States have come. Next week, Mr. C’s sister and a friend are coming and by then we’ll be to the end of Term 2. It’s been an exciting couple of weeks and I’m sure the next several won’t disappoint.

We’ve had several snake spottings, including Helen’s septic tank. Thankfully our gardener saw it and killed it. They think it was a cobra because of the extra folds of skin around its face. I had a little baby snake in my room which Helen graciously saved me from! I knew something was weird when the baseboard of my dresser was for some reason warped in a wavy fashion… lol There was also a big puff adder over by the kid’s playground. Like I said, always some excitement!

Thank you for those who have been praying for our teacher! This week has been her first week back! We are grateful and thankful to God for answering our prayers and that she has returned. I am back to helping the grade 4-6 class again! They’ve been working hard and I’ve enjoyed spending more time with them! Stay tuned on Facebook for more picture updates of our art project this Friday! We will be attempting to make baobab trees!!

Thank you for your prayers, please pray for Mr. C! Yesterday, a pot of boiling beans was spilled on his feet and he was burned. The nurse and doctor were on site and he’s been given meds to help, but prayers would be much appreciated! 

In Christ,
Abbie Rysta

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